
Current PhD Students

Ranadeep Daw 

Topics: Optimal Low-rank Expansion, Random Expansion, Bayesian Methodologies, Spatial Prediction, Spatial Aggregation, and Randomized Neural Networks

Myungsoo Yoo

Topics: Bayesian level-set methods, hybrid statistical-neural models, spatio-temporal statistics, Bayesian statistics, modeling wildfire spread, modeling tumor change 

Nick Grieshop 

Topics: statistical cellular automata, Bayesian spatio-temporal statistics, modeling wildfire spread 

Shuwan Wang

(Co-advised with Sakis Micheas) 

Topics:  Bayesian models for collective animal movement, spatio-temporal point processes

Xiaoyu Ma

(Co-advised with Likun Zhang)

Topics:  Statistical emulation with hybrid statistical-neural models; spatio-temporal extremes

Rebecca Willison 

Topics: Bayesian spatio-temporal point processes, applications to wildfire Incidence, hybrid statistical neural models for emulating complex processes 

Former PhD Students

Xe (Bill) Xu

Mevin Hooten

Ali Arab

Yong Song

Bill Leeds

Dan Gladish

Wen-Hsi Yang

Patrick McDermott

Toryn Schafer

Josh North

Shirley Rojas