Climate and Weather Modeling
Our group has traditionally been Interested In very short term weather forecasting (nowcasting) and long-lead forecasting (on the order of months to years). Some recent examples of climate modeling and long-lead forecasting Include:
North, J.S., Schliep, E.M., and C.K. Wikle, 2021: On the spatial and temporal shift in the archetypal seasonal temperature cycle as driven by annual and semi-annual harmonic, Environmetrics, 32(6),
McDermott, P.L. and C.K. Wikle, 2019: Bayesian recurrent neural network models for forecasting and quantifying uncertainty in spatio-temporal data. Entropy, 21(2), 184;
McDermott, P.L. and C.K. Wikle, 2019: Deep echo state networks with uncertainty quantification for spatio-temporal forecasting. Environmetrics, 30,
McDermott, P.L., and C.K. Wikle, 2017: An ensemble quadratic echo state network for nonlinear spatio- temporal forecasting. Stat, 6, 315–330, doi:10.1002/sta4.160.